Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Abortion: The Facts

     Abortion is a major concern in the The United States with people deeply divided into two camps the Pro- Choice camp or the Pro-Life camp-.  I am squarely in the Pro Life camp.  I don't think you can go through fertility issues and childbirth without becoming Pro-Life at the end.  People do but I don't understand how they can so I am going to give you straight facts if at the end you are still Pro-Choice well it is your choice after all, but you will know what that choice truly means.  First the definition Reproductive healthcare, Lets define  that term 

Reproduce-to produce offspring or create babies (The Dictionary project, com)

Healthcare The meaning of HEALTH CARE is efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being (Merriam-Webster dictionary)

Abortion The meaning of ABORTION is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. (Merriam-Webster dictionary)

Those terms don't work together, when entering an Abortion provider you walk out after ending a human life that is not healthcare and that is not reproducing.  There is some misunderstanding about  two pregnancy complications  One is the Ectopic pregnancy a condition where a fertilized egg grows inside the Fallopian tubes.  There is nothing that can be done to save the pregnancy and nobody is at fault and a doctor will have to remove the egg.  This is not an elective procedure.  This is a unfortunate complication.  The other is a miscarriage The spontaneous loss of a woman's pregnancy before the 20th week that can be both physically and emotionally painful.  I can attest to this one I had a miscarriage and a resulting in a D&C.  Sometimes a woman's body will not spontaneously expel the fetus.  A D&C must be performed to remove the contents of the pregnancy.  In my case not only did I lose a much wanted baby but then I had to have surgery and recuperate in the obstetrics ward of the hospital listening to babies cry all night.  it is a pain I will never forget.  

    The other argument for an Abortion is that it is a woman's body and therefore it is her choice.  This is untrue.  The baby is a distinct human being with unique DNA.  The mother is needed to grow the baby until it can survive outside the womb.    it is not her body she is aborting but another human being.  Ending the life of another person is murder.  

    Then we get into the What if's What if its a young girl who is pregnant and simply not emotionally ready to become a mother.  Well if she had consensual sex then she should have the baby and put it up for adoption.  I am an Adoptive mother.  What if the pregnancy is the result of incest or rape May 24, 2019 — Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest.  (USA today)  As you can plainly see that is an argument put forth by the pre-choice camp that is rare. What if the baby will be deformed or crippled or is incompatible with life. All of the arguments for abortion except this one fall flat.  Personally I believe this is test of Faith.  Tim Tebow is one nationally recognized person whose mother was told to abort and did not.  there are others.  Nick Vujicic was born with neither legs or arms but he is a nationally recognized public speaker, and devout Christian living a very complete and fulfilling life.  Life with a disability can be challenging, but they can live very full wonderful lives.  If a woman is faced with the horrible choice nobody would blame her if she chose to abort her baby.  Sometimes that is a heart wrenching choice.  Most abortions are done for convenience or vanity.  Abortions are also racist. Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined(USA today)

   I have given you facts about abortion.  Except for very rare instances Abortion should be extremely limited.  There are so many ways to prevent pregnancy  and very often it works effectively.

Monday, September 16, 2019


  Young people, millenials you are being conned, manipulated, programmed.  Everyday for the last three years since Donald Trump got elected the media has told you folks that Donald Trump is evil. Trump is not evil, he is not a politician.  He is a very smart businessman.  People insult him and yes he insults right back.  He makes deals, he has become incredibly wealthy by making deals.  Are  you so blind to the great economy that you really want somebody who tells you all the free stuff they are going to give you.  Nothing is free, somebody, somewhere has to pay for your free college, healthcare, etc.  We have young people driven to horrific violence to silence those that disagree with them.  I will tell you, try me I dare you.  You young punks who want to silence conservatives like me, because we don't want to pay you to sit on your butt and give you everything for free. Young people   who can't figure out which fricking bathroom to use, look its simple nobody gives a rats bottom use what ever bathroom you want do your business and leave.  If you don't have the correct plumbing you can't use a urinal.    Don't peek under the door, dont do anything other than your business.
   Justice Kavanaugh is an innocent man  Quit trying to destroy him.  It is nasty and despicable.  We conservatives are sick of it.
  You don't like our guns, come pry them out of our cold dead hands.  You don't have any clue whom is armed to the teeth and who isn't take your chances you won't make it out alive.
  We don't want to pay for you to kill your babies.  If you don't want a baby don't have sex it is pretty simple.  If birth control fails oh well I guess you better grow up and raise the child or give that child up to people who will.
   I really don't care  if I hurt your feelings,they are feelings everybody has them, you can't change mine.  One last thing there is no such thing as toxic masculinity.  In every sex there is a few bad apples, but lately everyone wants to beat up on white males.  Listen up males are stronger than Females.  They are leaders, women weren't designed to be leaders, men are.  I want men to lead, spiritually, emotionally, physically.  Women were designed to be nurturers.  We multitask, we are masters at doing several   things at once and the current women running as democrats are lying, conniving snakes.  They just are.  Elizabeth Warren fakes being an Indian Princess for years the only reason she backed off, she got caught.    Kamala Harris is an evil person who tried very hard to ruin a good man.  They have zero proof, she is a disgusting human being.  So No I don't want any lying nasty woman to be President.  If you can give me a good, honest, stand up woman who  wants the best for out country then I actually might think about her but no we get nasty lying snakes who think men aren't worthy of respect, conservatives must be silenced.  Bring it, your arguments are
Invalid, so yes Trump 20/20

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Why do you have to be so mean?
The wounds you make are often unseen.
The pain you cause, you can't take back.
What seeped to your heart and turned it black.
It's time to change and learn to be kind.,
It's never to late to change your mind.
It is not as hard as you think,
to take that black and make it pink.
Happiness really is a choice,
and when you feel it you will rejoice.
You don't have to be so mean,
Change your life make it clean.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Premature Exit

Premature Exit

  June 24th 2010, my 21st wedding anniversary, and also the day my mother committed suicide.  For years I was angry.  Why? Why that day?  We had unfinished business, we had unspoken conversations, unanswered questions.  My relationship with my mother had been strained for years.  I had a much closer relationship with her mother who we lost February of this year.   Since that day i have struggled to answer the why's, when someone close to you decides to make a premature exit at their own hand do they realize the carnage they leave behind.  Over the years, I struggled with this, at first, I took it personal after all that was my day.  I hated her, pure rage.  I had no sympathy at all. My mother suffered from manic depression.  It was tough to live with when I was growing up.  None of her extreme moods made sense.  I took care of a lot of things when I was young, I should have just been a kid. After a long while and many conversations with God and my siblings the rage thawed.  It wasn't about me.  She didn't do what she did to injure or hurt me.  She did it to release her, her pain was to much to bear.  She planned it.  She knew at some point that she was going to exit life, a crime of  opportunity she was alone, and there was a gun and nobody to interrupt the plan.  She had finished with the business she wanted to finish.  She completed a  bucket list of sorts.  I just wasn't on the list.  Maybe she didn't know how to fix what was broken.  There have been many suicides since then, famous people, infamous people, it seems that the the depression that leads to suicide has no limit.  Rich, poor, young, old, it doesn't seems to matter.  It hits out of the blue, people didn't realize how depressed they were.  They were happy, always had a smile, would do anything for anybody.           
 Vets are at extreme risk.  P.T.S.D seems to be a factor.  I understand that too unfortunately but until recently it just didn't have a fancy name.  My Dad died at 52 a fatal combination of eating to much, smoking to much.  Men were not allowed to be emotional, it was seen as a weakness.  We sent them off to war, and never really bothered to check up on them when they got home. That was the reality of Vietnam vets.  Now we have vets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.  Lots of vets struggle, they deploy far from home, and they do what their country demands of them  They come home to the fanfare and the Hallmark worthy welcome home parties but reality has changed .  During a deployment their life is regimented and the partner who has been home has run the show.  It is very tough to figure out where to fit in again, and then when life seems to pick up a more natural rhythm, it is time for them to deploy again.  It is a strain on marriages, on children and on the military member  Even now, when we have fancy diagnoses and drugs these vets struggle and some of them don't make it.  We don't know the horrors of what they have seen.  It is hard to understand the stress they are under.  I am a military daughter,wife, and mother.  The military lifestyle is one I know well and from many different angles.
  So what is the purpose of writing this, I guess just to let those that understand the pain know that they are not alone, that whatever they are feeling it is OK.  I hope to bring awareness to mental illness, it is complicated, a disease of the mind.  A person seems perfectly normal on the outside you can't see what is below, especially when it is camouflaged by a smile and a great personality.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Democrats have not changed

  Lately a lot has been said about how Democrats have swung wide left, they have not.  The Democratic party has always been about equality.   We no longer have true freedom of speech.  We have biological men competing in women's sporting events by saying simply that they identify as women.  If this trend continues it will spell the end of women's track and field events.  A woman cannot compete against a man in an event where his biology serves a great advantage.  Woman who complain are being accused of being transphobic.  Martina Navratilova a tennis great recently spoke out about the unfairness of it and immediately was shut down.  We used to care about Jews and Israel but hatred and discriminating against Jews is ok again.  We have a vocal anti-Semite in the House of Representatives, we can't even censure her rhetoric.  Our new young representatives in Congress decided to endorse this Green New Deal.  It is so outrageous in what it aims to accomplish.  It is horrendously expensive and just not practical in any sense.  Yet every Democratic hopeful wanting to occupy the Whitehouse wholeheartedly endorses it. The new buzzword floated by the Democratic party is Democratic socialism  Democratic socialism is defined as having a socialist economy in which the means of production (including wealth) are socially and collectively owned or controlled alongside a politically democratic system of government.   Never mind that every place this has been tried has failed on a massive scale.  Margaret Thatcher once famously stated.  The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.  Do we honestly believe that the ultra rich will just allow themselves to be taxed at the outrageous rate the Democratic party is purposing  which some have stated can be as high as 70%.  I am pretty sure Congress will develop loopholes for their own wealth.  Eliminating the Electoral College is another way to ensure the Democratic party stays in control.  When the small flyover states have no voice the popular vote will determine who is elected.  The power will lie with the large densely populated states.  They have already tried to give illegals voting rights.  The hope is that keeping illegals controlled they will vote Democrat.  It is so expensive and dangerous for an illegal resident to become fully legal.  We keep them down.
    They cannot control the current president so he must be impeached, they haven't found any impeachable offenses but will stop at nothing to find something to exploit to get him impeached.  They do not like him because he does what he thinks is better for the country; he is not owned by anyone.  This is unnaceptable to the media and Congress they are used to getting the President to do whatever they want.  I cannot see how this will end well.  Republicans will be marginalized when the Democratic party has enough votes to insure they have all branches of government in their control.  What will happen when you have armed, angry marginalized citizens who are not allowed to have the freedoms this country was built on.  Do we honestly think they will just adjust under fear of speaking out.  The revolution is already under way.  Nicholas Sandman  the Covington High School student, unfairly attacked by the media hired an attorney and is fighting back suing CNN and the Washington Post for defamation.  You can't silence everybody with fear and exploitation.  This was tried once before.  It was the revolutionary war where people fought back against excessive taxation.  They wanted to be free to live and worship and speak without fear of retribution by a king.  America was founded on these ideals.  No matter how the media spins the news the truth will always prevail in the end.  We the people need to speak up and speak out, or we may find that our voices will be silenced forever.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Going Political

I have always been right of center.  The recent fervor over the Immigration crisis has stirred me up.  I sympathize with those that want to come to the states for a chance at a better life.  I have been to Mexico, it can be rough.  The people there that I worked with are some of the nicest, hardest working people I know.  In the US unless you are a native american you are a descendant of an immigrant or are an immigrant.  There are two types of immigrants legal and illegal and in this country we have been very lenient with people that broke the rules.  That is a lot of people and unrealistic, dangerous, and cruel to just send them home.  They have lives here.  To right the wrong is expensive and out of reach for most so they spend their lives in hiding and we make it easy to do so.  What would our restaurants and hotel industries do without immigrants?  They are terrific employees.  They show up and work hard.  The first step in immigration reform is to find a humane way to legalize these folks.  The next step is build the wall, stop the influx.  The migrants coming across these days are breaking the law and they know they are.  There are children who are getting trafficked in.  This has been going on for years its not Trumps war.  he simply started enforcing the law.  The kids are not being kept in cages.  They are going to foster homes or community homes where they are cared for.  They are getting clothed, fed, and schooled.  Its not easy but for the real families that are seperated from their children at the border, you knew you were breaking the law.  We simply must have rules and borders.  If you are seeking asylum go through a checkpoint and claim asylum.  It is only right and fair for us to verify your claim.  in closing,  It is not a simple problems but demonizing the president is not solving the problem.

Monday, July 31, 2017


    Love is so complicated.  There is so many types, and forms of love.  The love you have for God is different from the love you have for your significant other, which is different from the love you have for your kids, which is different from the love you have for your pet.  If you throw in to the mix being young and in love, way more drama.  I was young once, everybody at some point hopefully has been in love.  I was young too, luckily in my case I had parents who felt that I knew what I felt and if I was wrong I would always have a soft place to fall.  My folks had many issues and faults in my opinion but in this case they made the right call.  28 + years and counting we are still together.  He is the love of my life there has never been anyone else.  We have three children together and at this point only the youngest one has been in love.  Everyone except us has made such a huge ordeal about it, they have done everything to keep them apart, which is heart wrenching to watch.  She is 14.  I don't understand, I try I really do but all I see is two kids who really like each other and are good kids being denied the opportunity to see if they have the love, strength, and fortitude to go the distance.  Maybe they do, maybe they don't, who is it to decide besides theirs.  Her dad and I love her we want her to enjoy her youth and everything that entails.  Young love is part of that, sometimes it involves heartbreak, sometimes you just can't prevent it.  I believe that God brings people into our lives for a reason and a purpose.  I know he gave me my husband because although we aren't perfect people together we are on this journey called life.  He is my best friend.  If my parents had tried to keep us apart, I might have been denied the best thing that ever happened to me.  Right now I am watching heartbreak and nothing I can do to fix it.  It's cruel and insensitive.  I believe once you have teenagers you back off controlling every little thing they do and listen, guide, and if heartbreak happens you are there to pick them up dust them off and try again.  You just never know.  Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy of what can happen when true love is denied.  They chose to die instead of being apart.  It is fiction but young people are impulsive and suicide among young people is very real.